prepared piano, 2011-2013
mixed media on piano
co-authors: Brane Ždralo, Sašo Vollmaier, Staš Vrenko
musicians: Vitja Balžalorsky, Jaka Berger, Boštjan Simon
performance: Small but Dangers (Mateja Rojc & Simon Hudolin)
Links to performances:
Organic Jam Session [Alkatraz Gallery, 2011]
Prepared Preformance #1 [Metropol - K4, 2012]
Prepared Preformance #2 [Simulaker Gallery, 2012]
Prepared Preformance #3 [+MSUM Ljubljana, 2013]
Exhibited in Alkatraz Gallery, Escape from Alkatraz, Ljubljana, 2011; Klub Metropol - K4, Vidim Tresk, Ljubljana, 2012; Simulaker Gallery, Zvočni prepihi VIII, Novo mesto, 2012; Vžigalica Gallery, Lighting Guerrilla 12, Ljubljana, 2012; Museum of Contemporary Art Ljubljana, ESSL Award Nominees 2013, Ljubljana, 2013; Museum of Contemporary Art Ljubljana, 7th Triennial U3 - Resiliance, Ljubljana, 2013.
Foto: Martin Lovšin Schintr, DK, Marko Modic