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authors: Lenka Đorojević & Matej Stupica
installation / event, 2016

When you cut into the present, the future leaks out.
- William S. Burroughs

The installation Pieces is comprised of 200 pieces of cheese and 200 banners, set in a metrical order.

Pieces is displayed in a standard form of an exhibition opening addressing social forms of public encounters where viewers become participants gathering around the act of consuming.

The installation Pieces is made and conceived using cut-up techniques reaffirming methods of aleatoricism, appropriation and randomness – which are used in surrealist game techniques. The artists use these to dissect the rhizomatic structures that are part of the existing system. Absurd results of using such methods present the nonlinear development of culture, technology and economic discrepancies that are all part of our realities. Through this installation the artists are attempting to point to a dystopian reading of the present in relation to the evermore complex social phenomena we are confronted with in the 21st century.

Exhibited at RU: Residency Unlimited, New York, USA, 2016

Foto: Arhiv, Sebastien Sanz De Santamaria