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Pogled v BB / A look into BB

Painting series, 2014

"Zapomniti si je treba, da je slika, preden postane bojni konj, gola ženska ali anekdota, esencialno ploska površina, pokrita z barvami, urejenimi v določenem redu." (Maurice Denis, 1890)

Kaj pa če je zemlja kljub vsemu ploščata? Ko oko več ne potuje, ko lahko primemo horizont kot vrv ograje parkirišča, ko soba ni tam zato, da se v njo stopi in mikrovalovka postane bela ploskev. Bilanca. Lahko se izmeri po širini in dolžini. Kredit. Potem dva prsta podrsata v desno in prikaže se hladilnik. Črte, linija, barva. Soočenja. Prikaže se pametni telefon, siv. Pa TV. Pa mlinček za sol. Pa kavč. Tiskalnik. Hrapavo. Kljuka. Miza. Rdeče. Kolo. Fižol. Gladko. Vijolično. Zaobljeno. Svetleče.

"Remember that a picture, before being a battle horse, a nude, an anecdote or whatnot, is essentially a flat surface covered with colors assembled in a certain order." [Maurice Denis, 1890]

What if the Earth is flat, after all? When the eye ceases to travel; when the horizon can be grasped as a rope around a car park; when a room is not there to be entered; and when a microwave becomes a white surface. Balance. It can be measured in width and length. Credit. Then two fingers swipe to the left and a refrigerator shows up. Lines, a stroke, colour. Confrontations. A grey smartphone appears. And a TV. And a salt grinder. And a couch. A printer. Rough. A handle. A table. Red. A bicycle. Beans. Smooth. Violet. Rounded. Shiny.

Exhibited on Lighting Guerrilla festival, Citylights in centre of Ljubljana, 2014